Los Gatos High School 50th Year Reunion in 2015: What a great
Back in Time: Everyone has a basic drive to connect with what has gone before. So let's stop and look back six more years...to 1959. Before we were Los Gatos High School Wildcats, many of us then were Kittens at University Avenue School. In Memoriam: A list of our dear classmates who are known to be no longer with us. Lost your 1965 yearbook? If you're a 1965 classmate, please email me if you would like to have a complete 21 page PDF (7.4MB) of the yearbook "SENIORS" section. It's also handy to have on your computer instead of hunting up the physical yearbook. Also be sure to visit Los Gatos High School Online at httpsss://www.lghs.net and httpsss://alumni.lghs.net Los Gatos, California is in 'Silicon Valley' approximately 10 miles south of San Jose and 60 miles south of San Francisco.